The Ancient Gaelic Names Of Ireland…
Meaning those traced to their origins within the line of Milesius, are represented on the Kane Ancestral Map Of Ireland. In some instances Galloglass, Welsh, Flemish and other important non-Gaelic transplant families are represented on the map as well. Even families with ancestral names that are not represented on the map will find it useful for studying the history of non-Gaelic or non-Irish ancestors who settled in Ireland, and are today proud to be considered Irish descendants.
Most Gaelic families bore at one time (with rare exceptions) the prefix O (grandson of) or Mac (son of) and are so shown on the Ancestral Map. Today, the ancient form of the prefix “Mac” has been almost universally contracted to “Mc”. Many variant spellings of the ancient names are in modern usage, such as Clery and Cleary, Daly and Daley, but the ancestral line in most cases, is identical. On the other hand, many names, identically spelled now, have entirely different ancestral lines. These distinctions are delineated by the Map’s Ancestral Key. In cases where a choice had to be made in the spelling of a family name shown on the map, the one selected is the one generally used by authoritative genealogical sources and, therefore, will be of the most assistance to those interested in a future study of these names.
And so, without further delay, here is the complete list of ancient Gaelic names represented by the map.
Archbold | Hayes | O’Early | O’Kernaghan | O’Rahilly |
Archer | Holland | O’Enright | O’Kerrigan | O’Ready |
Aylmer | Hughes | O’Ettigan | O’Kerwick | O’Regan |
Bagott | Hussey | O’Fahy | O’Kevane | O’Reilly |
Balfe | Hyland | O’Fallon | O’Kevin | O’Ring |
Ball | Jennings | O’Falvey | O’Kiley | O’Rinn |
Barnwall | Jordan | O’Farley | O’Killeen | O’Riordian |
Barrett | Joy | O’Farrell | O’Kindellan | O’Roddy |
Barron | Joyce | O’Farrelly | O’Kinealy | O’Rodeghan |
Barry | Keating | O’Farron | O’Kitt | O’Rogan |
Bellew | Kilroy | O’Feenaghty | O’Lane | O’Rohan |
Berry | King | O’Feeney | O’Laney | O’Ronan |
Birmingham | Kinsellagh | O’Feighan | O’Largan | O’Ronayne |
Bisset | Lacey | O’Felan | O’Larkin | O’Rooney |
Blake | Lacy | O’Fihelly | O’Larrissey | O’Rothlan |
Bodkin | Laffan | O’Finan | O’Lavelle | O’Rourke |
Bourke | Langan | O’Finn | O’Laverty | O’Ryan |
Browne | Lawless | O’Finnegan | O’Lawlor | O’Scanlon |
Burke | LeMareschal | O’Finnelan | O’Leahy | O’Scullan |
Butler | LePoer | O’Finnerty | O’Leary | O’Scully |
Cantwell | Lombard | O’Flahavan | O’Lee | O’Scurry |
Carew | Lynch | O’Flaherty | O’Lehan | O’Seagda |
Cavanagh | Lynott | O’Flanagan | O’Lenahan | O’Sexton |
Cavanaugh | MacAlister | O’Flannagan | O’Lennon | O’Shanahan |
Chambers | MacArdell | O’Flannelly | O’Liddy | O’Shaughnessy |
Cheeders | MacArthur | O’Flannery | O’Linskey | O’Shea |
Chevers | MacAuley | O’Flattery | O’Loghlin | O’Sheehan |
Clarke | MacAuliffe | O’Flynn | O’Loman | O’Sheridan |
Clinton | MacBrady | O’Fogarty | O’Lonergan | O’Shiel |
Cogan | MacBrennan | O’Foley | O’Longan | O’Skelly |
Colclough | MacBridge | O’Foran | O’Looney | O’Slattery |
Comerford | MacBrien | O’Fox | O’Loughnan | O’Slevin |
Condon | MacBrodin | O’Friel | O’Lowrey | O’Spellman |
Conroy | MacCabe | O’Gahan | O’Luinin | O’Spillane |
Coppinger | MacCaffrey | O’Gallagher | O’Lynch | O’Strachan |
Cosgrave | MacCaghwell | O’Galliban | O’Lynchahan | O’Sullivan |
Costello | MacCambridge | O’Gara | O’Lynn | O’Teige |
Cotter | MacCann | O’Garvey | O’Lyons | O’Tierney |
Courcey | MacCarragher | O’Garvin | O’Mackessy | O’Tighe |
Crosby | MacCartan | O’Gavagan | O’Madden | O’Toole |
Cruise | MacCarthey | O’Gavan | O’Madigan | O’Tormey |
Cuddihy | MacCashin | O’Gearan | O’Maginn | O’Tracy |
Cunningham | MacCauley | O’Geary | O’Maher | O’Traynor |
Curran | MacClancy | O’Gleason | O’Mahon | O’Tully |
Cusack | MacClean | O’Gorman | O’Mahony | O’Tunney |
Cushing | MacCleave | O’Gormeley | O’Malley | O’Tuomey |
D’Arcy | MacCloskey | O’Gormley | O’Malloy | O’Twohy |
D’Orcey | MacConnell | O’Gormoge | O’Malone | Peppard |
Dalton | MacConroy | O’Grady | O’Maloney | Petit |
Darcy | MacConsidine | O’Griffin | O’Mangan | Pierce |
Dardis | MacConway | O’Grogan | O’Manihin | Plunkett |
Davies | MacCormack | O’Growney | O’Manning | Power |
Davis | MacCoughlin | O’Gunning | O’Maol Conry | Powers |
DeBathe | MacCourt | O’Hagan | O’Markey | Prendergast |
DeBirmingham | MacCoy | O’Hagerty | O’Meagher | Preston |
DeBurgo | MacCracken | O’Halligan | O’Meara | Purcell |
DeCapel | MacCrehan | O’Hallinan | O’Meehan | Quigley |
DeCarew | MacCrossan | O’Halloran | O’Melaghlin | Quinlevan |
DeCernon | MacCue | O’Hamill | O’Mellan | Quirk |
DeClare | MacCune | O’Hanley | O’Melody | Redmond |
DeCogan | MacDavett | O’Hanlon | O’Menneman | Reynolds |
DeCourcey | MacDavid | O’Hannify | O’Milford | Ridell |
DeLacey | MacDeane | O’Hannon | O’Minnehan | Roche |
Delahoyde | MacDermott | O’Hanratty | O’Moghan | Rossiter |
DeLamarre | MacDonlevy | O’Hanvey | O’Monahan | Roth |
DeMortimer | MacDonnell | O’Hara | O’Mongan | Ruddy |
Desae | MacDonogh | O’Hare | O’Mooney | Russell |
DeVerdon | MacDonough | O’Harrigan | O’Moore | Sarsfield |
Deveruex | MacDorchy | O’Harrington | O’Moran | Savage |
Dillon | MacDougall | O’Hart | O’Moriarty | Segrave |
Dowdall | MacDowell | O’Hartigan | O’Morna | Shannon |
Emmet | MacDuvany | O’Hayes | O’Moroney | Shaw |
English | MacEgan | O’Hea | O’Morony | Sherlock |
Esmond | MacElligott | O’Heaghy | O’Morrison | Shortall |
Eustace | MacEneiry | O’Healy | O’Moylan | Sinnott |
Fahy | MacEvilly | O’Hearn | O’Mulcahy | Skeffington |
Fay | MacEvoy | O’Heffernan | O’Muldoon | Skerret |
Feehan | MacFadden | O’Hehir | O’Muldorry | Skiddy |
Feeney | MacFarland | O’Hely | O’Mulfinny | Smyth |
Feighan | MacFergus | O’Hennessy | O’Mulkerrin | Stack |
Finnerty | MacFineen | O’Hennigan | O’Mullally | Stafford |
Fitzerustace | MacFinnevar | O’Herlihy | O’Mullane | Stapleton |
Fitzgerald | MacFionnaine | O’Heyne | O’Mullen | Staunton |
Fitzgibbon | MacFirbis | O’Hickey | O’Mulligan | Stenson |
Fitzharris | MacGafney | O’Higgin | O’Mulloy | Strain |
Fitzhenry | MacGarrahan | O’Hir | O’Mulmoghery | Stritch |
Fitzmaurice | MacGarry | O’Hoban | O’Mulrennan | Strongbow |
Fitzpatrick | MacGauran | O’Hoey | O’Mulrooney | Supple |
Fitzsimmons | MacGavan | O’Hogan | O’Mulroy | Sutton |
Fitzsimon | MacGennis | O’Honenn | O’Mulvany | Taaffe |
Fitzstephen | MacGeoghegan | O’Hoologhan | O’Mulvey | Talbot |
Fitzwilliam | MacGeraghty | O’Horan | O’Mulvihil | Tallon |
Flavin | MacGettigan | O’Horgan | O’Murphy | Taylor |
Flemming | MacGibbon | O’Hosey | O’Murray | Tobin |
Ford | MacGilbride | O’Howley | O’Murrin | Trant |
Fox | MacGilchrist | O’Hurley | O’Murtagh | Troy |
Foy | MacGilduff | O’Hussey | O’Naghten | Tuite |
French | MacGilfinnen | O’Hynes | O’Neill | Tyrrell |
Furlong | MacGilfoyle | O’Kane | O’Neny | Uniacke |
Gannon | MacGilhooley | O’Kean | O’Neylan | Wadding |
Gartland | MacGillicuddy | O’Kearney | O’Nolan | Walker |
Gaunt | MacGilligan | O’Kearny | O’Noonan | Wall |
Gaynor | MacGillikelly | O’Keefe | O’Patten | Walsh |
Gould | MacGilmartin | O’Keeley | O’Peyton | Whalen |
Grace | MacGilmichael | O’Keely | O’Phelan | White |
Graham | MacGilmore | O’Keenan | O’Quaid | Wogan |
Grant | MacGilpatrick | O’Keevan | O’Quaine | Woulfe |
Greene | MacGilroy | O’Keiran | O’Quigley | Wyse |
Haley | MacGivern | O’Kelleher | O’Quill | Young |
Hardy | MacGlynn | O’Kelly | O’Quinlan | |
Harmon | MacGoldrick | O’Kennedy | O’Quinn | |
Hay | MacGoorty | O’Kenny | O’Rafferty |